our time..

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years ♥

Hello :)

Training tmr and another 4 days break..
And tat's when sch reopens :)
Hope that i can endure tmr's training and all my muscle ache will be gone by tmr morning..
Wish training wun be so tough too :|
Good luck :)

Sarah ♥

Monday, December 28, 2009

Training :|

Hellos :)

Haiz..Back from th 4 days holiday and my stamina dropped.
Attended trainin todae..I was realli tired..
When we ran th road relay,I was dizzy so I didin't gave my best..
Thn Suli and Dorothy came to look for me and they even ran with me to finish it..
Anyway thks :)
Was super tired during th whole training..

Hope that i can endure Weds trainin :|
Training is tougher nowadaes..

Sarah ♥

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Just wanted to wish you...

May all your dreams come true :)

Sarah ♥

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cheryl's Birthday


jUz to post th photos here :)
Her birhtday was lyk super long ago alr(in oct??)

Anyway here are th photos :)

Sarah ♥

My 14th birthday :)

Had fun during my birthday especially with my dear couzins :)
Anyways thks for stasying over :)
Love u guys :)
Pictures that i took!!

My presents!! Thks for th presents :)
Jesslyn's :

Presents and letters from my cuzins :

Thanks for all your presents and wishes :)
Glad that you all rmb my birthday :)
Had a wonderful birthday!!

Sarah ♥

dad's birthday


here are some of th photos tat we took during my dad's birthday :)

Sarah ♥

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Stayovers :)


I went to WWW with my cuzins then we stayed over :)
Here are th photos :)

Sarah ♥

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



Long time since i post..
Many things have been happening..
1)Cheryl's Birthday
2)trip to wild wild wet
3)holiday trip to sunway lagoon(it was seriously fun :)
4)friendly matches with Anderson and Queensway
5)Dad's birthday...
and many more.

Th pics should speak a thousand words :)

Sarah ♥

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Saturday went to Wild wild wet with my cousins :)
Had much fun there :)Thn went to their huse and stayed over..
Slept at 1 plus in th morning :)

And i Juz got back th streaming results and i'm quite happy with it..
At least i can take amath :)I hope i can cope well :)

Nothing much to write today :)
Will upload th pic next time :)

Sarah ♥

Friday, November 6, 2009



Holidays have started and I'm having fun :)
Trainings on Mondays,wednesdays and fridays..
No bball camps this year :( sadded :|

Trainings getting tougher and I need to be more stronger..
Feeling dizzy for th first 2 trainings..
And i dunno how am i suppose to endure th next few mths of training..

Next monday we are gng to get back our results for th streaming thing.
I think i wouldn't get wad i want..
Haiz..Nvm wad i will get i will put in my effort to study hard..
Study hard and play hard..

Sarah ♥

Saturday, October 24, 2009

After the exams..


Exams are over and training have started..
Gotten back my results and I'm not really happy with it..
Its alrite.. At least i passed my english :)
Tmr there is training and I'm worried that I can't really cope. :]

Some overdued photos :

My cousins ;)


Monday, October 12, 2009

Having fun everyday after exams with dorothy,natasha,evan,shermaine,jesslyn and sum ppl.
Had great fun manz..
Main subjects are over and i'm left with art and home ecs ..

Friday have trainin and i'm not prepared! shit manz..
Mayb goin out to run wif them on thursday..
Stamina have went down and I seriously hope that trainin wun be tough..

Good Luck C-girls..All th way..

Sarah ♥

Monday, September 21, 2009

Having fun before its too late..

Hello :)
I am playing for this 3-days weekendS :)
haha :)Yesterday in the morning went to eat thn shop ard..
While waiting for Mum to have her yearly check-up went to eat mcflurry :)
I lyk it :)
Gng to post some pics..

Joey :)

Daphne ;)

Both of them :)

That's wad i did int th morning :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Best days :)


Yesterday affter school we had study programme :)
Super fun la..Onli for th 2 hours i onli do lyk 9 qns?!
Almost played for th whole programme..
Shanna was talkin about some qing thing(i forgot)..
Thn i duno so i kept thinking..She gave my a lot of clues but i also dunno..
took super long to guess la :)haha :)in the end i know ;)lol :)
Thn she came up with a lot of weird qn to ask us..Damm fun la :)
we also played th game that test your reaction also very fun :)
I think that is not even a study program la :)Isit a have fun program or sth?

Today me and my class went to th museum..Quite fun la ;)haha..
Had so much fun with th electric thing i duno wad is that..

Anyway i had so much fun these 2 days :)
Thanks people for entertaining me! Haha


Saturday, September 12, 2009

You've made my day ;)

Wednesday went to Jesslyn huse straight after trainin :)
ActuALLY we were suppose to do th music thing thn Dorothy dun wan so juz leave lor..

Thn Jesslyn,Tracy and me went to lot one..
Sat at mc to wait for Qiao Ling to return me my $$.
Actually jesslyn wante dto buy th fries but we all were too lazy to move..
In th end qiaoling went to buy for us :)
Sorri..to make u walk ard..

Thn we ate th i wanted to go library to return my bks..
Actually they all dun wan to follow me one..
But in the end qiaoling came..
When i started to walk fast qiaoling run after me..I told her she look lyk a robot :)
Thn we both started laughin :)lols

Thn we all go cheers bought stuff thn went to her huse..
We played th driving game and th ghost one :)
It was so fun ;)We wanted to stay late but thn i can't so they all aso go home :)
We seriously had so much fun la :)Hope we can go there again :)
You all really made my day :)THks :)

Qiaoling ^^


Monday, September 7, 2009

Weekends :)

Hello :)
I'm gonna post about my fun weekends man :)lols

Went to tiong bahru for dinner :)
Thn went to Marina Barrage super fun..
Better than th school trip manzz...
TooK some pics..

Flyer :)

Rainbow lights :)

My sis and me :)


That's all :)


Sunday, August 30, 2009


Blogger is giving me so much problems :(
Wan to put pic but cannot so forget it..
I will wait till one day :)


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cookie freak!

Hello :D

Todae had tuition thn went to buy things for baking th suji cookies :D
Thn went home prepare everything but no weighing scale :]
So juz aga lo.
Thn first round everything that come out all 'cho da'(IDK how to spell :))
But thn tried again damm nice lor :)But thn i still prefer Evan's cookies.

THn i ate almost all of it la :)
I think i'm an cookie freak man!!!
haha :)Thn had mac for dinner..
I ate th double fih-fillet damm big la :)
lols :)

i'M GOIN TO SLEEP alr :)
Good nitez :)

First time!

Yesterday we had friendly match with jw.
Suprisingly we won them :)
Th first time we win during a friendly match :)

Thn we bused bak school ate somehting thn we decided to go home..
Just thn Ms pek call us to go back there.
Cuz we forgotten to say bye to her.
Thn get scolding frm her..
We said sorry to her but she also dun do anythin..
Th boys told us to go home thn we go lorh..
But thn we waited at th bus stop for her..
She walked to th other bus stop near to th bridge there.
So we still waited for odell they all to come..thn they talk for a while thn we go home..

WE waited for th bus for lyk super long la thn we go to th bus stop near th bridge.
Saw Ms pek and Jian ming there..

Thn home sweet home..


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hello :)

August was great for me :)
Had so much fun.
Everything just went well ..
Jesslyn's birthday,Dorothy's Birthday National day and Founders day.
Jesslyn's birthday was the best time i had..
PLaying at the beach with evan and tracy :)Sand-fighting wif jesslyn :)

Today had trainin and it was great except for th scissors part :)
Thn went home wif suli :)
Today was th last day that bobbie was wif us as she had to go to states to study :)
we bought a farewell present for her :)

Good luck for everyone who is going to play this friday wif Jurong :)

Sarah ♥