our time..

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Best days :)


Yesterday affter school we had study programme :)
Super fun la..Onli for th 2 hours i onli do lyk 9 qns?!
Almost played for th whole programme..
Shanna was talkin about some qing thing(i forgot)..
Thn i duno so i kept thinking..She gave my a lot of clues but i also dunno..
took super long to guess la :)haha :)in the end i know ;)lol :)
Thn she came up with a lot of weird qn to ask us..Damm fun la :)
we also played th game that test your reaction also very fun :)
I think that is not even a study program la :)Isit a have fun program or sth?

Today me and my class went to th museum..Quite fun la ;)haha..
Had so much fun with th electric thing i duno wad is that..

Anyway i had so much fun these 2 days :)
Thanks people for entertaining me! Haha
