our time..

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cookie freak!

Hello :D

Todae had tuition thn went to buy things for baking th suji cookies :D
Thn went home prepare everything but no weighing scale :]
So juz aga lo.
Thn first round everything that come out all 'cho da'(IDK how to spell :))
But thn tried again damm nice lor :)But thn i still prefer Evan's cookies.

THn i ate almost all of it la :)
I think i'm an cookie freak man!!!
haha :)Thn had mac for dinner..
I ate th double fih-fillet damm big la :)
lols :)

i'M GOIN TO SLEEP alr :)
Good nitez :)