our time..

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 23, 2010


I'm back home..
waited for Shermaine after school thn it started to rain super heavily..
Thn th staircase at th lower bball court thare like waterfall..Super cool..Haha..
Waited for lyk super long thn th rain lyk becoming heavier..
Thn me,evan and dorothy dun care alr juz run all th way..
Dorothy was lyk running all th way but evan and me slowly walking behind.
Haha..Super fun but also very cold..Thn we juz continued walking to th opposite bus stop after resting.. haha
Thn me and evan took 67 n headed home..
When i reach home was lyk alr 7.45pm lor..So late :|
LOL :)Thn my shoes,socks,bag,shirt and was super wet la.. Hahaha..

Had great fun with you guys but there is also a tyme for me to study..
Anyway..Gng to do hardcore studying for tmr and sunday..
Good luck friends.. 9 more days!!