our time..

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 23, 2010


I'm back home..
waited for Shermaine after school thn it started to rain super heavily..
Thn th staircase at th lower bball court thare like waterfall..Super cool..Haha..
Waited for lyk super long thn th rain lyk becoming heavier..
Thn me,evan and dorothy dun care alr juz run all th way..
Dorothy was lyk running all th way but evan and me slowly walking behind.
Haha..Super fun but also very cold..Thn we juz continued walking to th opposite bus stop after resting.. haha
Thn me and evan took 67 n headed home..
When i reach home was lyk alr 7.45pm lor..So late :|
LOL :)Thn my shoes,socks,bag,shirt and was super wet la.. Hahaha..

Had great fun with you guys but there is also a tyme for me to study..
Anyway..Gng to do hardcore studying for tmr and sunday..
Good luck friends.. 9 more days!!



Currently in school mrl agian doin my f and stuffs..
With Dorothy and Sabrina..haha..
And i noe how to do th decision alr..
Was doin my chinese juz now as we waited for some ppl to finish their work...
After this..Gng to wait for Shermaine to finish her class thn go home..

Was here today morning during F and N..And i did not finish up my work..
Luckily we never get scolded..Haha..But need to hand up everyhting on Monday!!!

And today is friday!!End of th school week..Hahaha
But we need to study.. Cuz exams are lyk a few day away onli...

Yupps..Any way I'm gng to do my things alr :)
(btw i'm am very cold for staying in th library for lyk 2 hours!!)
Byes xD

Thursday, April 22, 2010



I'm back home..
Currently printing my f and n stuffs.
We are supposed to do like 3 recipes and 5 points of criteria..
But i onli lyk did th criteria and 1 recipe..
Shit manz..Tmr still have chemistry test.. And i neva study shitz..

I really need more time..
24 hours minus away th sleeping time is really not enough ..Shit mann..

Haiz..Sec 3 year is so pathetic..
I lead such a useless life man..
I dun think th teachers understand our difficulties lor..
So many hw, so less time..
How to study?! OMG!!Still have so many extra classes..
Tmr gng to stay back for chemistry supp and F&N ..

Anyway good luck for th test tmr manz..

Waiting in progress..(lol...)

Currently in mrl with DOROTHY ;) now..haha..
waiting for time to past..haha.
Supposed to do th decision making thing for F&n courework but forgot how..
Left th paper at home.Haiz..
Waiting for 3.15 thn gng canteen to buy pocky to eat during chemistry supp l8r XD
9 more days to exams :)
Study hard guys :)



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life changing..

I may stand up strong in front of you..
But I am not..
I may put up a smile in front of you..
But seriously..it may not be real..
I have been facing lots of trouble in this few months..
But I seriously hope that I could balance my time well..
I am not th type of girl that you have seen in th past few years..
You may not think so,but inside my heart it is changing..
Anyway.. That's how life supposed to be. ♥


Friday, April 16, 2010



Busy with many things... Last saturday went to bukit timah hill for th adventure walk..Super fun..Was difficult and challenging..Took like 2 hours plus to complete th whole thing ;)

Now exams are coming and i need to study!!Projects and homework are piling up..
haiz..Everyday need to stay back for remedial and training..
Monday is B girls match with Dunman Sec..ALl th best to u guys..
C girls match had just started yesterday..
Trashed by Jurong..Its ok,first time anyways..Good luck girls :)

Need to do hardcore studying..Exams are like 13 days away???
Good luck friends..All th best..

Saturday, April 3, 2010

good friday..


Had fun this few days..
took many pics :)

Went to pay respects to my grandparents thn ate dimsum at some weird restaurant..
After eating went to play at th beach..
Super fun lors..
Thn in th evening went to walk at th bukit timah hill..
Had loads of fun here are th photos :)

Mummy Birthday:

Waiting for sth...

At the beach:

Bukit timah hill:


Tats all!!
byes :)
Sarah ♥