our time..

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Blogger is giving me so much problems :(
Wan to put pic but cannot so forget it..
I will wait till one day :)


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cookie freak!

Hello :D

Todae had tuition thn went to buy things for baking th suji cookies :D
Thn went home prepare everything but no weighing scale :]
So juz aga lo.
Thn first round everything that come out all 'cho da'(IDK how to spell :))
But thn tried again damm nice lor :)But thn i still prefer Evan's cookies.

THn i ate almost all of it la :)
I think i'm an cookie freak man!!!
haha :)Thn had mac for dinner..
I ate th double fih-fillet damm big la :)
lols :)

i'M GOIN TO SLEEP alr :)
Good nitez :)

First time!

Yesterday we had friendly match with jw.
Suprisingly we won them :)
Th first time we win during a friendly match :)

Thn we bused bak school ate somehting thn we decided to go home..
Just thn Ms pek call us to go back there.
Cuz we forgotten to say bye to her.
Thn get scolding frm her..
We said sorry to her but she also dun do anythin..
Th boys told us to go home thn we go lorh..
But thn we waited at th bus stop for her..
She walked to th other bus stop near to th bridge there.
So we still waited for odell they all to come..thn they talk for a while thn we go home..

WE waited for th bus for lyk super long la thn we go to th bus stop near th bridge.
Saw Ms pek and Jian ming there..

Thn home sweet home..


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hello :)

August was great for me :)
Had so much fun.
Everything just went well ..
Jesslyn's birthday,Dorothy's Birthday National day and Founders day.
Jesslyn's birthday was the best time i had..
PLaying at the beach with evan and tracy :)Sand-fighting wif jesslyn :)

Today had trainin and it was great except for th scissors part :)
Thn went home wif suli :)
Today was th last day that bobbie was wif us as she had to go to states to study :)
we bought a farewell present for her :)

Good luck for everyone who is going to play this friday wif Jurong :)

Sarah ♥