our time..

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Saturday went to Wild wild wet with my cousins :)
Had much fun there :)Thn went to their huse and stayed over..
Slept at 1 plus in th morning :)

And i Juz got back th streaming results and i'm quite happy with it..
At least i can take amath :)I hope i can cope well :)

Nothing much to write today :)
Will upload th pic next time :)

Sarah ♥

Friday, November 6, 2009



Holidays have started and I'm having fun :)
Trainings on Mondays,wednesdays and fridays..
No bball camps this year :( sadded :|

Trainings getting tougher and I need to be more stronger..
Feeling dizzy for th first 2 trainings..
And i dunno how am i suppose to endure th next few mths of training..

Next monday we are gng to get back our results for th streaming thing.
I think i wouldn't get wad i want..
Haiz..Nvm wad i will get i will put in my effort to study hard..
Study hard and play hard..

Sarah ♥