our time..

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 24, 2009

After the exams..


Exams are over and training have started..
Gotten back my results and I'm not really happy with it..
Its alrite.. At least i passed my english :)
Tmr there is training and I'm worried that I can't really cope. :]

Some overdued photos :

My cousins ;)


Monday, October 12, 2009

Having fun everyday after exams with dorothy,natasha,evan,shermaine,jesslyn and sum ppl.
Had great fun manz..
Main subjects are over and i'm left with art and home ecs ..

Friday have trainin and i'm not prepared! shit manz..
Mayb goin out to run wif them on thursday..
Stamina have went down and I seriously hope that trainin wun be tough..

Good Luck C-girls..All th way..

Sarah ♥